April 2020 marks the launch of the second self-mapping campaign of the commitment of the Politecnico di Milano towards the achievement of the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Develpment Goals (SDGs).


Are you also engaged in this global challenge?

Tell us about one or more institutional, teaching and/or research activities related to the issues and challenges of sustainable development, by filling in the quick form below! Each kind of activity requires filling in a specific form.

The mapping campaign of 2020 ended on May 31, 2020. 
However, it is still possible to report activities (starting, in progress or completed), contributing to the dissemination of the sustainability culture at our university.



We thank you for your collaboration!  

The results of the mapping will be accessible on this website at the end  of the campaign.



To know more:


Our networks and our partners:


For requests or clarifications on  the survey, please write to: campus.sostenibile@polimi.it