This section reports the opportunities for academic communities promoted by Universities and by associations, organisations and companies concerning sustainability issues (contests,tenders, scholarships, theses).

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A Sustainable Campus Supporter is a volunteer, which is invited to take part to the initiatives organized by our Sustainability Service and is actively involved in the challenge towards a more sustainable campus!
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For further informations please write to: serviziosostenibilita@polimi.it

4 theses are available for probing the extent of possible reductions of CO2 emissions by Politecnico di Milano within the scope of specific activity sectors.Underway

Politecnico di Milano, in 2015, has embarked upon the project called "Estimate of CO2 emissions by Politecnico di Milano", adopted as a University target within the context of the broader joint project with Università degli Studi di Milano headed "Città Studi Campus Sostenibile (Città Studi Sustainable Campus)".

The University's Sustainable Service, with the collaboration of the energy Commission and some technical-administrative Areas, is pressing ahead with the project aimed at identifying potential reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions associated with the University's activities.

Within this context, in 2015,21 theses relating to different sectors (energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable sources, transports and sustainable mobility) have been proposed, 6 of which are still available for the Politecnico students; the theses aim at assessing in detail the potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to specific interventions, as well as analysing the different technological alternatives, costs, timeframes, and possible priority schemes.

A supervisor with the possibility of an immediate start is available for each thesis.

The initial results of some theses have been presented since 19 October 2015 within the scope of the workshop headed "I cambiamenti climatici: dagli scenari globali all'aula del Politecnico (Climactic changes: from global scenarios to the Politecnico classroom)" and on 24 May 2016, when the students themselves have presented the results of finalized theses and those still underway within the worksop "Le emissioni di CO2 del Politecnico di Milano. Presentazione dei risultati del progetto pilota 2015 e primi risultati degli studi di approfondimento (CO2 emissions by Politecnico di Milano: promotion of results of the 2015 pilot project and initial results of in-depth studies)".

  Download the list of the theses, grouped by topics (the titles are provisional):


The list of available theses will be updated pursuant to actual allocation by the reference professor. We accordingly recommend you to regularly consult the site.

As regards your applications as candidates, you may write to the reference Professor by setting out your skills on the subject (e.g., attendance of the professor's course or a

 course run by another professor on the same subject), and c-c the University's Sustainability Service at serviziosostenibilita@polimi.it

For further information, you may approach the University's Sustainability Service at:serviziosostenibilita@polimi.it


  • Concorso d idee per studenti  "Riqualificazione degli spazi aperti del Campus Bonardi . Concluso.

Scarica il bando -  link alla pagina: http://www.campus-sostenibile.polimi.it/web/guest/bando;

Mostra virtuale - Link alla pagina: http://www.campus-sostenibile.polimi.it/web/guest/mostra


  • BEST Architecture & Design Competition. 23 marzo 2013. Corso di idee promosso dagli studenti. Concluso.

Sul modello della più famosa EBEC (European BEST Engineering Competition), nasce la BEST Architecture & Design Competition, che vede la sua prima edizione milanese.